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Tattoo Removal

Rejuvi  tattoo removal is a non laser removal system which is capable of lifting colours from within a tattoo which lasers find difficult  to break up. Rejuvi does not kill the hair follicle like laser can either. 

Using the tattoo machine used to tattoo the skin, ink is replaced with the Rejuvi liquid and is placed under the skin layers to the depth of the pigment or ink.  The rejuvi solution breaks up the ink and pigment and it is expelled through the channels made by the tattoo needles.  The pigment continues to be pulled out of the skin during the healing process over approximately 1 to 2 weeks.  Several treatments may be necessary to acheive a result suitable for retattooing or permanent removal.  

This treatment is usually used to remove bad semi permanent make up but can be used for body tattoos also. 


 A patch test must be carried out 24 hrs prior to treatment. 


To see prices and make a booking please go to our booking and pricing app by clicking  HERE


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